Your pay cheque might be a bit bigger this week: Ontario's minimum wage rose to $17.20 at the start of October.
Campus events
Do you have your tickets yet for Thursday's IGNITE concert featuring Young M.A? Read all about the headliner and where to get tickets.
Join us today for a morning bird-watching walk in Humber Polytechnic's Arboretum. Staff will guide you through the garden and woodlands. Be sure to click here to find out when you can see these birds before they leave for the winter.
After a nice bird walk through the Humber Arboretum, join us in the Centre for Urban Ecology with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff to discover how native plants can improve your garden and support local ecosystems. Find out more here to learn when the workshop will take place.
Wednesday is also Culture Day, hosted by FYE - First Year Experience. It is billed as a chance to sample foods and participate in activities that celebrate the diverse cultures of our school community. Events are being held Wednesday at both North Campus and Lakeshore campus.
Another President's Lecture is fast approaching
Join Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Moss tomorrow in the next President's Lecture to learn more about the science behind why we crave junk food. The lecture is open to both students and faculty. Click here to learn more about what time the lecture will be and where on campus it will be held.
Humber Athletics
Today, the men's soccer team will play against the Redeemer Royals at 4:30 pm. Be sure to catch the game live here.
Also today, the women's soccer team will play against the Redeemer Royals at 7 pm. Watch the game live here.
Humber Et Cetera is also an award-winning student newspaper. Read our latest issue online.