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Humber launches new ad campaign

New marketing push seeks anyone looking for a post-secondary education, focusing on discovering one's true identity, purpose and experiencing that life at Humber.
The students who are part of Humber's new ad. In the back row, left to right, Beth Lane, Simon Williams, Serena Hajee, Daeyong Lim and Mike Graham. In the front row, from left are Madison Stainton and Simon Zenker.

Humber launched a new recruitment campaign aimed at getting new students enrolled for post-secondary education at one of the country's largest polytechnics.  

“The You You Knew Was in You” campaign rolled out March 10 at Humber’s North campus with a song that is part of a new television ad promotion. 

Andrew Leopold, associate vice president of marketing and communications, said the large demographic of people eligible for a post-secondary education are highly sought after in this campaign.  

“Right now recruiting students, especially domestic students, is highly competitive,” Leopold said.  

“We were looking to develop a campaign that would ideally cut through what are pretty similar marketing campaigns and outreach campaigns across the GTA and Ontario post-secondary schools,” he said. 

The campaign was launched in the KX Ignite Student Centre in the North campus, replacing the Bring It campaign launched in 2023.  

There will be more presentations on the campaign in Lakeshore's G Building, Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship, at 11 a.m. and on the fourth floor of the Commons at the Downtown campus at 3 p.m. 

A key component of the marketing is a commercial starring Humber students and alumni from the Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design. 

The troupe performed the song from the commercial live at North on Monday.  

Simon Zenker, a fourth year Digital Communications student at Lakeshore and one of the commercial’s stars, said being part of the campaign’s production crew is similar to the post-secondary experience a new student may find themselves in.  

“It was honestly incredible, getting experience in that professional field, experiencing the humongous cameras, they had cameras on giant cranes and we were in a new space with giant spotlights on us,” Zenker said.  

“It’s a weird world which I was cautious about joining but I am very happy I did it,” he said.  

However, Zenker also sees the value in the life lessons students will learn from the post-secondary experience.  

“One of my favourite parts of being here is I had no idea what I wanted to do when I first arrived, I chose a program that was really broad and through that I’ve found my niche,” he said.  

“Even the first couple years I was still unsure about what I wanted to do, and that was OK, I was learning about really valuable things but also how to apply them to the real world,” Zenker said.